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Common Questions About Happy Campers Black & Gray Tank Treatment


Q) How long does it take for Happy Campers Holding Tank Treatment to start working?

A) Great Question! Happy Campers Holding Tank Treatment starts working very quickly (you should notice it's effect within minutes).

*If you use the treatment and continue to have a bad odor this is typically caused by one of two things:

1. Your tank needs to be emptied and rinsed, we also recommend using our Extreme Cleaner to make sure your tank is clear of all the bad residue.

2. If you were using a chemical treatment prior to adding Happy Campers, that treatment could have stopped Happy Campers from working. In that instance, you would need to empty and rinse your tank as in the first problem. See Our Tips for Tanks for More information.


Q) Will this work on old solids that have been in the tank for a while? Our sensors are dirty and have not been working for a long time.

A) The Happy Campers holding tank treatment is to put in every tank to eliminate odors. To clean and remove solids from your holding tanks the "Extreme Cleaner" is the product to use.


Q)  Does this product take the place of the pucks you add after each dump and before using the toilet again or does it serve a different purpose?

A) Happy Campers Holding Tank Treatments replace your existing chemical treatments. I usually add about two gallons of fresh water to my holding tanks after I dump. In the toilet I start to fill the bowl, add one scoop full of Happy Camper, fill the bowl, let it set about 15 minutes, then flush it - that gives an extra clean to my toilet bowl as well as starting it's process in the holding tank. For my shower, and sinks, I add about 1/2 scoop and rinse it down into those tanks.


Q)   Will this product work in a tank that has previously been treated with a formaldehyde product?

A) Happy Campers holding tank treatments can definitely be used if you have previously used a formaldehyde product. We recommend flushing out the tanks before beginning the use of Happy Campers, but our product is designed to break down solids and eliminate odor effectively.


Q)    Can you use Happy Campers for grey water too?

A) Absolutely! You can use Happy Campers products for both black and grey water tanks. It is much more convenient than liquids and has a proven track record for completely eliminating odor, not simply masking it.


Q)     We have a 250 gallon gray water tank from shower water, we water our plants with this water, the drains have odor. Will this be ok for our plants?

A) If you follow dosage instructions on container Happy Campers will not harm your plants. Please contact manufacture or authorized dealer for ACCURATE recommendations.


Q)     Does Happy Campers treatment work in a boat tank?

A) Yes. An RV holding tank is typically just a larger version of a boat holding tank. The Plumbing is all the same material for the most part, and waste is... well... waste!


Q)     I just finished a trip with happy camper in the black tank but don't want to dump until my next trip in 3 weeks. Will smell be a problem?


Here's what Amazon Reviewers have to say:

Shouldn't be; however, just pour a tablespoon to be on the safe side. I used to go weeks between and never had a problem.
By Dr. No can do on August 30, 2016

I empty my blackwater every three of four weeks, no issues.
By v8gee on August 30, 2016
Happy Camper is the best product I've ever used. There are, however, limits to everything. It depends on how long since you last dumped. I have held for as long as six weeks without odor.
By Sam S. on August 30, 2016
I've waited longer than that between trips and haven't noticed any odors.
By Bill H. Lubben on August 30, 2016



Q)     How Much Should I use per dosage?

A) How to use Happy Campers Holding Tank Treatment:

Black Tank:

• Fill toilet bowl with water and add 1 scoop of Happy Camper per 40-gallon tank.
• Stir well and flush. (Pro Tip: Make sure you stir in Happy Campers as you add it).
• Refill toilet bowl with two gallons of water and flush.

Gray Tank:

• Mix 1/2 scoop of Happy Camper with water in kitchen sink or shower and wash it down the drain.